Manga Adaptation of Hamlet:

I really had high high expectations for this but unfortunately I was a little disappointed… I thought a manga adaptation would may make Shakespeare’s work more accessible and easier to read but if anything this made everything a little bit confusing.   Title: Manga Shakespeare: Hamlet Authors :Richard Appignanesi (Adapter), Emma Vieceli (Illustrator), William Shakespeare Length: 204 Source: PurchasedContinue reading “Manga Adaptation of Hamlet:”

Why I Started Book Blogging:

I’m not sure if I’ve actually ever mentioned why I got into book blogging but if I did I don’t think I made a blog post about it so… HUR WE GOO: I’ve always loved reading but I feel like I went through phases where I went on a bit of a (very) long slumpContinue reading “Why I Started Book Blogging:”

Replica Review:

Replica had literally been sitting on my shelf for a 2 years waiting to be picked up… Whereas other people were excited by the interesting format of having the story told from two different perspectives. I was a bit put off to be honest, because I felt like I’d just be reading the same storyContinue reading “Replica Review:”

July Book Haul!

Today was the first day in a whileeeeee that I’ve actually been to a bookshop with the intention of buying books (doesn’t make sense right??) . A lot of times I just go to browseee or see what’s just been released! Anyway of course I did some damage… but I only left with four booksContinue reading “July Book Haul!”


#1: How many books are too many in a series? In my very personal opinion 3, although I’ve realised that I don’t tend to read series in general. Actually it’s not that I don’t read series, but rather that I don’t carry on. I think The Mortal Instruments series is the one of the fewContinue reading “20 QUESTIONS BOOK TAG!”

The Cabin in the Woods: Review

  Title: The Cabin in the Woods Author: Tim Lebbon Length: 297 Source: Purchased First of all I really didn’t know that this was a movie novelisation?!?!? I really thought the movie was based on this book. I usually steer FARRRR away from horror, whether it’s films/TV shows/books it’s just not my genre. A fewContinue reading “The Cabin in the Woods: Review”

Currently Reading Tag!

Every time I get back into blogging I really struggle, because I’ve been out of the loop for os long I don’t even know what posts to make. Especially now, since I read but not at the same pace  I used to if I were to write only reviews I would be posting on hereContinue reading “Currently Reading Tag!”

Darkly Dreaming Dexter: Review

Since exams have finished I’ve had a lot more time to read, and catch up on all the Netflix shows I’ve wanted to watch! Is it just me or is watching Netflix without the imminent pressure of studying/exams just not as good? Same goes for reading, I had started a reading list for this summerContinue reading “Darkly Dreaming Dexter: Review”

Currently Reading

While writing my Feb TBR I completely forgot to include this book so I’ll add a short post about it here: As I now I have some time to spare I decided to work a bit more on my beta-reading skills and become more familiar with some more technical terms. In the process of searchingContinue reading “Currently Reading”

Discussion post: Bad Reviews.

This is a sensitive topic amongst the book blogging community, but it’s something most bloggers have to go through when writing a bad review. UNLESS they are lucky enough to never read a book they dislike! At some point in time we come across a book we didn’t enjoy, I feel like it’s easier toContinue reading “Discussion post: Bad Reviews.”