I have so many great books just dusting up on my shelves, some popular YA that I’ve purchased but haven’t had the time to read, new releases that I was so excited to get in to… Every time I look at my bookshelf its so depressing, I have so many books that I want to read but don’t have the time to! Sooo, until the next year I’m going to hold off buying more books (psht let’s see how that goes!) and try and at least make a dent in my TBR pile! Do any of you experience this? There are just so many books and so little time, especially with school starting in a few weeks which will definitely shrink my monthly TBRs! Also I’m going to be making a few book tag blog posts, they’re really fun to do and I feel like I’ve just been posting reviews on my blog! If you can recommend book tags that would be fun to participate in, in the comments that would be GREAT!


  1. Hahaha join the club. I don’t know any book lovers that have finished all the books they have on their bookshelves. I have so many that I still need to read. So I wish you Good Luck. Inspire us all and finish them 😀 because I really a bookshelf does need good decluttering every now and then. You know, to make room for new ones 😀

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  2. I hope you get to all the books you want. I stopped buying so many books because I realized that I was buying books without getting them read quickly after purchasing. So now I buy highly anticipated releases and when I’m in the mood for a certain genre, I look to my bookshelf filled with unread books. I guess a reward system for yourself? Finish a certain TBR pile and then buy one book? It all works differently for people. I hope you find something that works for you =)

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  3. I can’t wait to hear if you manage to succeed with your mission (I know I wouldn’t be able to!). I wish you the best of luck, and if you want really easy tags to do The Colorful Book Tag and the This or That Tag is quick and fun. The Harry Potter Spells Tag is also one I’m excited to post soon, since it combines two of my favorite things: Harry Potter, and tags! 🙂

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  4. Good luck not buying books! I actually just made that a rule for myself as well… Let’s see how it goes! I actually just started a blog, any advice for a newbie??

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  5. Good luck with wrangling your TBR! I like to think this is a good problem to have. Having too many books is better than not having enough books. Now, if only there were more hours in a day. 🙂

    Oh, and a fun tag I’ve seen around is the “would you rather” book tag.

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  6. I always tell myself that I’m not going to buy any more books until I’ve read the ones I own, but then I visit the library and that resolution turns out to be pointless.

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  7. I used to be like that but then I separated by new books from my bookshelf and put them in a big pile beside my bed… that way I could fully appreciate how many I hadn’t read! Now I keep the pile at a manageable 6 books and I won’t let myself by a new batch (because I can never just buy one!) until I’m down to the last one!

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  8. Good luck! I have too many books on my TBR list. For some reason, I keep getting library books and ignoring the ones I already own. Once I’m finished with my current round of library reads, I am going to make a valiant (desperate?) effort to actually read some of the books I’ve purchased over the last several years. The pain is real.

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  9. I suddenly feel less alone in my book related issues lol. Didn’t even notice how bad it’d gotten till a few months ago when I was introducing my friend to my books and making recommendations…and had nothing to say about almost half of them 😶. I did try something simular but only lasted a few weeks lol. This has motivated me to try again though! I’ll only allow myself to buy books on my list that are going out of print/stalk! Hopefully that’ll work 😅

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  10. I’m with you on this too! Ive kind of been on a book buying band because funds are limited. I also look at the dozens of unread books on my shelf and internally weep. They deserve to be read before new books are brought home to join them.

    Good luck on your TBR endeavors!

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  11. I feel you! I gave up reading books years ago and switched to audiobooks, but I have bad news for you in that area too, I have a lot of audiobooks in my library that I need to listen to, yet and still there I am on Amazon perusing the new releases every day… Sigh!

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  12. Good luck! I have failed my first attempt to that 😅. But I will be trying it next year, but I won’t stop buying books, because I like being in book clubs on Goodreads and I need the book of the month for that 😶

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    1. I’ve failed too, I don’t know what fantasy I was living in when I thought it was possible :’D! I’ve cut down the amount of books I buy but I haven’t actually stopped, that’s good enough right :’)

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      1. I was also living in a fantasy when I started, I had just discovered the book community :,D
        But there are some things I really want to buy which are pretty expensive, so I practically have to cut down the amount of books I am buying. And my TBR pile is so huge…


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