A Review Policy?

I’ve recently reached 1100 followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I thought probably about time I put up a review policy, I’m new to these things and I’ve done a bit research but I thought it’d also be worth asking you, what would you put in a review policy? I pretty much review all genres so I don’t think I’ll be posting any restrictions in terms of that, but I also want to have an efficient policy! If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments.

A review for Steel Victory by J.L Gribble should be up by next week so keep an eye out for that! Thank you for the support on this blog even though I’ve been missing for over a month!

39 thoughts on “A Review Policy?

  1. Well done on achieving the numbers. As for the policy, might be a good idea to explain your attitude to honesty (I get a few requests each week and always make sure writers know I’m utterly honest in my reviews. That tends to reduce the numbers, and filters out the less well written stuff.) Also, helps authors if you state where you post your reviews. (I post mine to my blog, Goodreads, and Amazon.co.uk. and .com, for example.) Do you include buying links? Is there any sort of material you’re unlikely to review?
    Just a few thoughts. Hope they’re of some help. And good luck with your reviewing. As a writer, I appreciate all book reviewers for the excellent job they do for us. Thank you.

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    1. Thank you! You’ve raised some fair points, I think I’ll have to address them all! I do find myself often asking where they would want the reviews published so that would save a lot of time. Buying links weren’t something I used to include before but I think I’m definitely going to look into it! Thank you again for the suggestions, they really were helpful, and as a writer you had a different perspective because you were able to raise points you may look for in book reviewers. Thank you 😊

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      1. As it happens, you also gave me food for thought by asking the questions. I’ve reviewed for quite a long time and, having suggested it to you, I’m now going to include buying links to those books I review on my blog. So, thanks for that.

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  2. Congratulations😊
    Coming to the review policy, I think you could include info about how much time you generally require to review, the format in which you prefer to read etc.

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    1. Oh, I actually don’t think I want to rate for now, I worry that people will just look at the number, but I want my review to show my opinion. I like your review format! Honestly one thing is to consistently post, and that’s me being a little hypocritical because as you can probably see I post around once a week…. I just struggle with producing quality content and doing that frequently, I’m probably rambling again πŸ˜…

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      1. Will look forward to the next one! get the not sticking with the rating thing. great idea . consistency is an issue with me too! reading for review or for leisure , at times its a bit stressful. Either way it seems you are already doing a great job. FYI once a week is ambitious!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s not so much that the initial links may bring traffic, but that the very presence of such links may persuade visitors to return each time there’s a new review. I suspect the effect will be quite small, though.

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  3. My Inspired gratitude for your reaction to one of my post. I came to look at your work and I am now doing a friendly review for one of my faith friends . I am interested in how to get started to do more reviews.

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